
Letter Picker Wheel

Pick a random alphabet by wheel

This is a random letter generator that picks a random alphabet by using a wheel. The letter generator has several input options and text-transformation options. The letters involved are the 26 alphabets from A to Z. After you spin the wheel, the letter result will be picked. When the letter output is showed, there are normal and elimination modes available you can play with. The letter output will then be stored in the history section and you may continue generating letter.


Letter Options:
Style Options:

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Letter Picker Wheel - Generate Random Letter from A to Z

1. What Is Letter Picker Wheel?

Letter Picker Wheel is a random letter generator that is used to produce a random alphabet from A to Z by using a wheel. It is a sub wheel of the core Picker Wheel which is specialized in generating random letters/alphabets.

The reason why we created this alphabet generator is that we found out that it may be useful for parenting and teaching. With the use of this Letter Picker Wheel, we believe it will make the learning process more interesting and children could learn through spinning (play). We utilize educational-friendly fonts to let kids learn the correct alphabet.

We believe there are still many applications that can utilize this Letter Picker Wheel other than parenting and teaching. Please use it to suit your need.

Picker Wheel Logo

2. How to Use It?

  1. Choose the input option. There are 5 options available for this generator. If you have other suggestions, please tell us through the feedback.

    • A to Z - Total of 26 letters from [A to Z - uppercase] or [a to z - lowercase]
    • Consonant - Total of 21 letters from A to Z without A, E, I, O, U
    • Vowel - Total of 5 letters from A, E, I, O, U
    • A to Z (upper case) + a to z (lower case) - Total of 52 letters
    • Custom letter - You can provide any letters, words, or sentences at the text input. The wheel will filter all the commas and the spaces in between. Random letter generator input options
  2. Choose the style option. There are totals of 4 options available, but it depends on the input you have chosen.

    • UPPERCASE eg: A,B,C
    • lowercase eg: a,b,c
    • UPPERCASE & lowercase eg: Aa, Bb, Cc
    • Original - It remains unchanged based on what you have chosen/written for the input. Letter generator style options
  3. The input and style you have chosen will directly reflect on the Letter Picker Wheel.

  4. Click the SPIN button or press "Ctrl + Enter" keys to generate a random letter. Spin button to start spinning

  5. A random letter is picked and displayed on a dialog.

  6. Choose one of the modes. (Modes explanation is at below) Random letter is displayed on the dialog

  7. The result is then stored in the history section. Letter history section

  8. Continue spinning.

  9. Click the hide button to hide the Inputs section and the wheel will be shifted to the center Hide input button

  10. Shuffle the inputs when you want. Shuffle letter inputs

Picker Wheel Logo

3. Wheel Customization

To make your wheel looked more interesting and different, you could try to customize and configure based on your ideas with our specific tool settings.

You can do it at the Tool Settings section (below the wheel section). Click to expand the Tool Settings bar. Tool settings location

What you can configure is:

  • Spin Behavior
    • Spinning speed (lvl1 to lv10).
    • Spinning duration (1s to 30s).
    • Enable manual stop button.
    • Mystery spin (replace inputs on wheels with “?”)
    • Spin count
    • Random initial angle.
    • Initial Spinning
  • Confetti & Sound
    • Disable/Enable confetti.
    • Sound on/off.
    • Customize starting, spinning, and ending sounds.
  • Tool Colors - Change the wheel colors with several themes provided.
  • Background Color - Change the background color of the whole section.
  • Background Image - Add a background image at the wheel section. (Premium Users)
  • Spin Button - Customize your own spin button. (Premium Users)
  • Banner | Logo - Adding your own logo or banner. (Premium Users)

*Customize wheel with your own wheel sounds, colors and background color. (Premium Users)

Picker Wheel Logo

4. Type of Modes

4.1. Normal Mode

When you choose this mode, the available letters will remain the same as your previous spin.

4.2. Elimination Mode

When you choose elimination mode, the letter generator wheel will remove the current selected letter from the total available letter for your next spin. You can see what was removed in the history section.

Picker Wheel Logo

5. Use Cases

We have thought of several methods to use this random alphabet generator.

  • You may ask the kid to read out the phonics sound of the picked letter.
  • You may ask the kid to think about a word with the first letter the same as the picked alphabet.
  • You may ask the kid to think of one/few vocab(s) based on the picked letter. For example, the picked letter is Z, then the kid needs to answer the vocab(s) that start or end or in between with letter Z based on the instructions.
  • You may play it together with real cards. For example, after a lowercase letter is chosen, ask the kid to pick its UPPERCASE letter from among the cards.
  • You may play it together with real objects. For example, a letter “t” is picked, ask the kid to point to the object that surrounds them which is started with “t” such as table, tennis ball, teeth, etc.

Picker Wheel Logo

6. Enable Title Section

You can enable the title section and insert the title, description and popup message to specify your aim for the particular spinning.

Where is the open/close title section button? It’s located at the More Button from the Inputs section. Open or close title section

And you can modify the texts. Title input modal

The title and description will appear in the upper left corner, while the popup message will appear after the result is announced, as seen below. Title display location Message on the result

Picker Wheel Logo

7. View All Results

There is a “Open All Results” button located bottom-left of the spinning wheel. Open all results button

This feature aims to let you see the summary of results of spinning since the first time. Yes no all results history

You can click the "Open Results" button to open the results page where you can share it with other people. Open results page button

You can clear all the records by clicking the "Clear Results" button. Clear results button

Picker Wheel Logo

8. Share Results

There are two kinds of result you can share. One is single result and another one is all results.

  • Single Result. The only way to share your single result is at the moment the result is announced. Click the share icon. Single result share button

  • All Results. After you open results page, you can create a result link to share with other people. You can also download the results image at the result page. Results page

Picker Wheel Logo

9. Full Screen View

You gain different experience and feeling when you spin the wheel in full screen view.

There is “Full Screen” button, you can enter or exit full-screen view by clicking it. Full screen button

Your letter random generator will be enlarged when entering into a full-screen view, and the inputs section will be temporarily hidden until you exit from full-screen view. Yes no wheel full screen view

At this moment, you can still click the “View All Results” button to look the history of spinning results.

Picker Wheel Logo

10. Share the App

If you find this random letter generator is useful, please help us to spread it to your friend and family who you think they need it. Share Letter Picker Wheel button

Picker Wheel Logo

11. Feedback Us

If you find that the tool still has room for improvement, we appreciate that if you could provide your precious feedback to us. So, we can continue to make our application better to help everyone.

Picker Wheel Logo

12. Need More Customization?

If you need more customization rather than just a single alphabet generator, you may look up our core Picker Wheel to do random word or random name generators.

Let's Use Letter Picker Wheel to Pick a Letter. Happy Teaching!

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