
MLB Picker Wheel

Pick a random MLB team by wheel

This is a random MLB team generator using wheel. This MLB team wheel randomly selects a team from your chosen leagues. You can display the team name, logo, or both as the result. Play in normal or elimination modes, and results are saved in the All Results section. Spin again to pick the next team.


Select League & Insert Team(s):
0 selected of 0 teams
American CentralAmerican EastAmerican WestNational CentralNational EastNational West

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MLB Picker Wheel - Pick a Random MLB Team with Spinner

1. What is MLB Picker Wheel?

Are you looking for a fun and engaging way to randomly select a Major League Baseball team? The random MLB team generator, also known as the MLB Picker Wheel, is the perfect tool for baseball fans, fantasy league players, and anyone looking to pick a team with a spin of a wheel. This MLB Picker Wheel is an innovative MLB team generator that randomly selects a team from the American League and National League. Using this MLB team wheel, you may click to spin the wheel and it randomly generates a team name, a team logo, or both.

This MLB team wheel is a specialized wheel from the main Picker Wheel. It allows users to randomly pick a team from all 30 MLB teams ensuring an exciting and unbiased selection. You can filter by league, or customize your choices, the MLB Picker Wheel is perfect for any fan. Whether you're a die-hard baseball fan or just need a quick way to choose a team, this random MLB team generator provides a simple and entertaining solution.

Picker Wheel Logo

2. Key Features of the MLB Picker Wheel

Random MLB Team Selection

The MLB randomizer ensures a completely random and fair selection of an MLB team. With just a spin, the tool will pick one of the 30 Major League Baseball teams, removing any bias from the decision-making process.

Team Selection Options

Users can choose to include all 30 teams, filter by American League (15 teams) or National League (15 teams), or manually select specific teams.

Customizable Result Display

Results can be displayed as Logo & Name, Logo only, or Name only, with an option to reveal hidden details after selection.

Picker Wheel Logo

3. How to Use the Random MLB Team Generator?

1. Select the league from which you want to pick a team. By default, all teams are included, but you can choose either the American League or the National League. League inputs

2. Customize your list of potential team selections by including or excluding specific teams for your MLB team wheel. Teams choices

3. Choose how the team will be displayed when the result is revealed — Logo & Name, Logo only, or Name only. Show section

4. Click the spin button or press "Ctrl + Enter" keys to start spinning the MLB wheel. Spin button to start spinning

5. A randomly selected MLB team is displayed in a pop-up window.

6. Decide on an action mode. (Modes are explained below.) Show result

7. The result is also stored in "All Results" section.

8. Continue spinning.

9. Shuffle or sort alphabetically the inputs if you want. Shuffle or sort MLB team inputs

10. Hide the Inputs section if you want. Hide inputs button

Picker Wheel Logo

4. Wheel Customization?

You can apply a variety of customizations or configurations to the wheel of MLB teams to meet your needs. Tool settings location

The configuration options include the following:

  • Spin Behavior
    • Spinning speed (lvl1 to lv10).
    • Spinning duration (1s to 30s).
    • Enable manual stop button.
    • Mystery spin (replace inputs on wheels with “?”)
    • Spin count
    • Random initial angle.
    • Initial Spinning
  • Confetti & Sound
    • Disable/Enable confetti.
    • Sound on/off.
    • Customize starting, spinning, and ending sounds.
  • Background Color - Change the background color of the whole section.
  • Background Image - Add a background image at the wheel section. (Premium Users)
  • Spin Button - Customize your own spin button. (Premium Users)
  • Banner | Logo - Adding your own logo or banner. (Premium Users)

*Customize wheel with your own wheel sounds and background color. (Premium Users)

Picker Wheel Logo

5. Type of Modes

5.1. Normal Mode - [DONE]

In this mode, the selected MLB team options will stay the same as in your previous spin.

5.2. Elimination Mode - [REMOVE CHOICE]

In Elimination mode, the MLB team randomizer removes the selected team from the list for the next spin. The "All Results" section will show the eliminated teams.

Picker Wheel Logo

6. Enable Title Section

Your visitors will understand the purpose of your MLB team wheel if you have the title e.g. "Guess the MLB Team Name".

Clicking the Title Button in the Inputs section will open or close the title section. Open or close title section

And write down the messages. Title input modal

The title and description will appear in the upper left corner, while the popup message will appear after the result is announced, as shown below. Title display location Message on the result

Picker Wheel Logo

7. View All Results

To view all of the teams you've previously generated, click the "Open All Results" button. Open all results button

It will show all of the random teams generated by the wheel since the first spin of your current visit. All teams results history

You can click the "Open Results" button to view the results page and share it with others. Open results page button

You can clear all the records by clicking the "Clear Results" button. Clear results button

Picker Wheel Logo

8. Share Results

There are two kinds of result you can share. One is single result and another one is all results.

  • Single Result. The only way to share your single result is at the moment the result is announced. Click the share icon. Single result share button

  • All Results. After you open results page, you can create a result link to share with other people. You can also download the results image at the result page. Results page

Picker Wheel Logo

9. Full Screen View

You may switch between full-screen and normal view modes by clicking the full-screen button. (Available on a desktop computer and tablet) Full screen button

The wheel of MLB teams gets bigger when full-screen mode is activated, and the "Inputs" section gets hidden. Full screen view

The "Open All Results" button still allows you to view your results.

Picker Wheel Logo

10. How to Share the App?

Click the share button from the top right corner of the website.

Share MLB Picker Wheel button

Decide "Allow people copy the wheel"?

Choose whether to include your current wheel's tool settings e.g. background color.

Click "Create Share Link".

Copy the link’s address or click the Copy or Facebook or Twitter buttons to share this Random MLB Team Generator with other people.

If you think this application is useful, kindly share with your friends and family about it.

Picker Wheel Logo

11. We Want to Hear Your Feedback

Please let us know if you have any suggestions or find any bugs with our random MLB team generator. Please don't hesitate to inform us. We value your comments so we can make the MLB team generator better.

Picker Wheel Logo

12. Explore More Sports Team Generators

If you love the MLB Picker Wheel, you might also enjoy our other sports-related randomizers. We also have a random NBA team generator and a random NFL team generator, allowing fans of basketball and football to randomly pick their favorite teams using a similar wheel-based tool.

Picker Wheel Logo

13. Want to Use Other Inputs?

Please head to the main Picker Wheel to fill up the list of your inputs. It has a wide variety of functions

Let's Pick a Random MLB from the MLB Team Wheel! Have fun!

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